
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Project

          Beautiful day in sunny California!!! I spent a nice hour in the sun doing my first Zentangle. I picked up 2 books at the Road to Ca Quilt show and had some time to try it out.

           Here is a pick of my first attempt. I am using a little spiral note pad with kinda think paper but you are really supposed to use 3.5" square tiles, a thick high quality paper with a velum like finish.

The second book is for sewing Zentangles on fabric, which I thought would be really a great way to practice FMQ and end up with a cool project. The book has some great canvas bags and with the black thread it really looks quite nice.

Gonna go play with some thread......Happy Sewing, K

Update- I spent the day sewing the heart on the cover of the book, it's still under the needle!!! I will show it off later this week......


  1. i have a Zentangle book, but have not tried this. I shall dig it out. The Stitches for quilting look wonderful.

  2. I don't know this technique, but it looks good!

  3. I just started to learn Zentangling in the past three weeks. I need to get the books you show. I do think that some of the designs will make wonderful quilting designs, and I think some of the FMQ designs will make wonderful Fentangles. Fun to see that you have just discovered this too.

  4. I've done quite a bit of Zentangle in my sketchbooks... I think it's a great way to practice for freemotion quilting.
