
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hexie Sewing Case


     With my new love of EPP my little Hexie's needed a take along bag.  So out came the graph paper, the sharpies and I went to town.....I knew I wanted a place for my paper pieces, finished hexies, thread,  pins, needles, thread heaven, thimble, seam ripper, the WIP and some extra fabric.

  Yikes that is a lot of stuff to squish into a small bag!!!!! 

      Oh yeah, I need my scissors too!  Can't live without those babies!  I also wanted it to zip, not tie closed, so my stuff would not fall out. Those scissors and thimble cost a pretty penny!

Here is a pic of my drawings....a bit messy.....I had lots of ideas, the finished item doesn't even look like this.

Inside.  I made a clear pocket so I could see my paper pieces and finished ones too!!  So happy with how the zipper came out.  Somehow when I measured, I decided I needed at least a 27 inch zipper.  I bought this 30 inch separating zipper which worked perfect.

My scissors are on a ribbon so I don't lose them if they fall out of the bag. I had to reinforce the pouch with craft pellon so my tips will not cut through the bag.....hoping this works!!

I have never made a tutorial or a pattern but I would try.  What do you think? Anyone interested??

Like my thimble? I picked it up at the Road to California Quilt Show a couple years ago.  Hand made sterling silver.  Love it!!!
Here is the finished case
I would love to hear any ideas or see what you use to tote your hexies around town....

     My next UFO project to work on is this mini quilt.  I have the top all done and now need some ideas on how best to quilt it.  It does have  A LOT of seams to go through and I am already worrying about the needle breakage I am going to have.  Any suggestions??   Each triangle set was 3/4 unfinished thangles.  I still haven't pulled off all the bits of papers on the back.  I guess I have been intimidated and that is the reason it is sitting around.....

Off to decorate the Christmas tree.  Happy Sewing, K

Linking up with UFO Sunday
Plum and June Monday Linkup
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced 


  1. Wow Kristin! Your projects are gorgeous! Yes, yes, yes please to a tutorial for your adorable and useful bag! I'm a new follower... found you at Plum and Junes.

    1. Thanks Deb, I follow your blog too! I will work on a pattern in January when I have vacation. I'm in retail so I have to get through Christmas then inventory before much needed vacation time. This blog motivates me to complete something every week.

  2. You should definitely do a tutorial... I have been working all afternoon with that same fabric line!

    1. I love this fabric, gonna go back and order some more!

  3. I love the purse. They say a Schmetz Microtex is good for multi layer seams.

    1. I do use the microtex a lot, I will try it first, maybe I will get through will no breaks!

  4. I LOVE this top. The colours are so well combined. How big is it? You called it a mini quilt.
    The purse is gorgeous, too! I would like to read your tutorial.

    1. Thanks Rike B! It's 22x29 inches, by Lisa Bonegan of Primitive Gatherings. She has a fabric line and sells charm packs with 50 light and darks with no repeats. It give the quilt a nice scrappy look.

  5. What a clever bag. I like the way the zipper goes all around, so it can open flat.

    1. Thanks Angela, it was quite a trick to get it to open flat.

  6. That bag you designed is adorable! Love all the clever details you added. When I make mini quilts I trim the seam allowances smaller (about 1/8 instead of 1/4" to help reduce bulk. I've not had any needles break while quilting by machine. All my hand quilting needles bend eventually but I try to avoid seams in hand quilting.

    1. Thanks, Marcella! It has turned out to be pretty handy. Trimming the seams is a good idea. With this one I don't think I would have the patience to trim them all.....we'll see how it goes....thanks for stopping by!

  7. This is fab, i so need to make myself something to carry around all of my sewing bits anf bobs for travel, why does there always seem to be a list of other jobs to do first??? Visiting from p&J Monday link Up. Ange : )
